I'm always trying to compete, but i'll take value over stats 7 days a week.Matthew wroteCOLONI do kind of understand it from mikes pov. He is trying to compete now. He is more stats driven than value driven.
Ryan Kesler & Adam Henrique
- The BBKL Insider
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Re: Ryan Kesler & Adam Henrique

- The BBKL Insider
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Re: Ryan Kesler & Adam Henrique
I wouldn't. That's 1st overall.
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Re: Ryan Kesler & Adam Henrique
ya prefer trocheck plus whoever i pick next year at 5-6 Mil together than subban alone at 9 (or however much he makes). Also intrigued by the amount of loot I could get if someone has a hard one for wherever I land.
- The BBKL Insider
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Re: Ryan Kesler & Adam Henrique
lol roster overflowing in the show eh? Makes sense.
- Arian The Insider
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Re: Ryan Kesler & Adam Henrique
Well the chances of that finishing at 1 are actually not very high
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Re: Ryan Kesler & Adam Henrique
I'll take my chances.
Re: Ryan Kesler & Adam Henrique
Even if Paul out tanks me and Detroit to finish last in the standings the draft lottery means that pick is still only like 50% to pick top 3.
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Re: Ryan Kesler & Adam Henrique
Handsome&FairMike wroteCOLONI'll take my chances.