MTL - MIN Deal
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- JoinedCOLON Mon May 03, 2010 7:17 pm
MTL - MIN Deal
Adam Larsson
Jakub Kindl
Ryan Carter
Austin Watson
Derek Forbort
2014 2nd Rounder (TOR)
Adam Larsson
Jakub Kindl
Ryan Carter
Austin Watson
Derek Forbort
2014 2nd Rounder (TOR)
- PostsCOLON 4954
- JoinedCOLON Mon May 03, 2010 7:17 pm
Re: MTL - MIN Deal
I never wanted to move Larsson but I can't turn down that value...
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Re: MTL - MIN Deal
love this deal for chuck.
It's a no brainer IMO. Larssen has looked awkward at the NHL level thus far.
It's a no brainer IMO. Larssen has looked awkward at the NHL level thus far.

Re: MTL - MIN Deal
only chuck took advantage as I throw some no-brainers to some others as well..

#91 - John Tavares
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Re: MTL - MIN Deal
i dont know about that, you offered a far less package to me for a far superior dman of mine. The only "no-brainer" was the no answer i gave you.hong57 wroteCOLONonly chuck took advantage as I throw some no-brainers to some others as well..

Re: MTL - MIN Deal
u r not counted.. the player you would trade is far better than Larsson.. can't be compared

#91 - John Tavares
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Re: MTL - MIN Deal
if larsson even comes close to fowler this will be a homerun for you.
that said, i dont think larsson and fowler are anything a like. I think Larsson is a lot closer to the dman you traded in this deal (Kindl).
I think for larsson to improve he needs out of NJ. It seems like his development has become stalled there.
that said, i dont think larsson and fowler are anything a like. I think Larsson is a lot closer to the dman you traded in this deal (Kindl).
I think for larsson to improve he needs out of NJ. It seems like his development has become stalled there.

Re: MTL - MIN Deal
well that's interesting.
Re: MTL - MIN Deal
kyuss wroteCOLONwell that's interesting.
indeed eh
Re: MTL - MIN Deal
Same value I was offered for OEL...hong57 wroteCOLONbut btw I do like Larsson potential more...
Re: MTL - MIN Deal
Jordan Eberle + Vincent Lecavalier for OEL + Hodgson
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Re: MTL - MIN Deal
that's actually a very good offerkimmer wroteCOLONJordan Eberle + Vincent Lecavalier for OEL + Hodgson

Re: MTL - MIN Deal
I overpaid at the time of the trade.. but this looks good to me now..

#91 - John Tavares
Re: MTL - MIN Deal
it does look good, and that's even if Forbort is doing well too these days